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A Multi-Year Battle to Preserve a Scenic Corridor

A Part of Oakville's History

The earliest section of Lakeshore Road runs from Great Lakes Boulevard to Fourth Line and was originally part of an Indigenous trail used by the Mississaugas along the shores of Lake Ontario.
The second section from Fourth Line to Winston Churchill Boulevard follows a straight east- west concession road, originally laid out as part of the 1806 Wilmot Survey.

The origins of these two sections of Lakeshore Road still define much of their character and arrangement today. As well, Lakeshore Road was one of the original Kings Highways introduced in 1917.
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What's the Big Deal?

In 2018, we found the results of a Class Environmental Assessment that had been completed on Lakeshore Road West carried a staff recommendation for urbanization of Lakeshore Road West between Mississaga Street in Bronte to Dorval Drive in the east.

The urbanization was to include the widening of the road to accommodate a continuous centre turn lane, the addition of a 3-m wide asphalt Multi-Use Path, the cutting down over 300 trees, the expropriation of land from dozens of home owners, the addition of curbs and gutters along the route, bike lanes and adjustments to intersections.

We got to work and did our homework.

In traffic reports, we discovered that the entire Lakeshore corridor is functioning at acceptable levels of service now and that the road can continue to provide those acceptable levels up to 2031 and beyond. Population numbers projected users of the road included the building of the recently completed condos at Bronte Road and Lakeshore.

The safety performance of road sections and intersections along Lakeshore between Third Line and Dorval are all functioning at expected safety levels and do not require additional investigation or countermeasures. Some 54% of the collisions on Lakeshore Road occur within the Bronte Village area, thus adjustments could be made there.

There is no need for a continuous centre turning lane. Individual left turn lanes can be positioned at specific intersections if they are required. A continuous centre turn lane encourages speeding.

The widening process would result in the loss of 300 trees! Through our ongoing advocacy, we have forced changes to the original plan, but dozens of trees are still under threat of removal - due in to the proposed Multi-use Path and the proposed urbanization of the road which would require curbs, gutters, etc.

Property owners would lose frontage, trees and established elements such as fences, gates, walls, etc.

At the time, the overall cost of the project was pegged in excess of $40-million dollars. That cost has surpassed $50-Million and we have no idea what has been spent over the last 5 years to keep this project alive - even in the face of widespread opposition from residents.

Over the following years, we also opposed a proposed roundabout the consultants suggested be installed at the corner of Third Line and Lakeshore, directly adjacent to the Sir John Colborne Seniors Centre and steps away from the Oakville Christian Elementary School.

Subsequently, the centre turn lane was removed from the scheme. Then, a portion of the multi-use path was removed between 4th Line and Dorval based on the consultants estimation that too many trees would be lost. Our position is that NO trees be lost! Sacrificing a tree to replace it with asphalt is obtusely insensitive to today's societal recognition of climate change.

Five years later we continue to fight for this road. We want:
  • bike lanes
  • a proper resurfacing of the road
  • the continued use of the existing sidewalks on the south side of Lakeshore and the existing multi-use path on the north side.
  • to fix problem areas in sidewalks and the path if and where they exist as well as extend them where possible, but it must be done in a manner that preserves trees.
  • to preserve the rural cross section of the road with its natural shoulders, greenery, roadside ditches, trees, grass, etc. These all serve to carry, filter and absorb stormwater. We MUST take climate change seriously and preserve our natural green assets.
  • additional stormwater approaches that are outside of existing systems must be green infrastructure of the newest approaches that utilize green/blue hybrids.

The sections below tell the story of our fight to save Lakeshore Road West and preserve it as a piece of our scenic, cultural history.

The Facts

In a nutshell, these cards tell the story of Lakeshore Road West and why we want to preserve it.
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FACT: 5-Million Budgeted in 2022 Alone

While no actual construction has taken place, the costs for this project continue to accumulate.
In 2018 the estimated capital cost of the preferred design concept was approximately $31,665,000 exclusive of land and utility relocation costs.
In 2020, we reported the estimated cost for the overall project would surpass $50-Million
In 2022, we have no idea what has been spent to date, but we do know yet another $5.08-Million was approved for the coming year and all but $25,000 is for outside services.

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FACT: Lakeshore Road Has Special Significance in Oakville's Official Plan

Lakeshore Road is identified as a Scenic Corridor in our Official Plan with policies that relate to Heritage as well as cultural significance and preservation. Our policies on tree canopy and tree preservation are also directly tied to Lakeshore Road.

3.14 Scenic Corridor - Scenic Corridors are recognized for their scenic value and for their natural and cultural heritage features. These important features need to be maintained or restored since they add value and contribute to the Town’s character.

5.3.11 The scenic character of Lakeshore Road should be conserved.

10.1.1 to maintain the existing urban forest; and, to progressively increase the urban forest to achieve a canopy cover of 40% Town-wide beyond the life of this Plan.

Oakville’s Tree Preservation Policy - The Corporation of the Town of Oakville (town) is committed to preserve and enhance its tree canopy and natural vegetation. The town shall protect trees on both public and private lands pursuant to applicable by-laws, recognizing their importance to the ecology, aesthetics, culture, and heritage of the town. Trees on public lands shall be removed only to safeguard public safety.

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FACT: No in-person consultation has been undertaken since 2018, when our Councillors insisted that staff and consultants attend and engage directly with residents.

The result of that meeting was the removal of the centre turning lane from the proposal and a motion from Council that staff return in future with a plan that would include NO TREES REMOVED. Staff never fulfilled that direction. It reported in 2021 it was unable to find a solution.

Due to COVID, input on the 2021 Preferred Option of staff's plan was received online.

FACT: There were 194 responses. More than 50% specifically opposed the plan
and removal of trees. Only 18% supported it.

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FACT: The Multi-Use Path proposed by staff is the #1 killer of trees.

We don't need it. There's a multi-use path on the north side of Lakeshore that already exists. It is identified on Oakville's Active Transportation Maps as being part of the Waterfront Trail. Let's spruce it up, extend it where we can and find 'shared space' solutions for those where we can't.

A decision to cut down trees and replace them with asphalt flies in the face of logical thinking toward climate change. It simply isn't acceptable.

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FACT: The current width of Lakeshore can accommodate cycle lanes. Sidewalks already exist on the South side along the entire project route.

Repaving the road and adding bike lanes would provide the needed areas for cyclists. In fact, they already exist between Bronte Village and Third Line.

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FACT: We can retain a rural road profile using innovative green infrastructure for stormwater.

Today's green infrastructure approaches in stormwater control don't depend on below ground cement pipes, gutters, grit separators and other 'grey infrastructure' solutions that represent 'yesterday's answers'.

We must look for ways to incorporate our existing natural assets with new developments in green infrastructure like those pictured above.

Climate change demands a new way of dealing with stormwater.

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FACT: Council Directed Staff to Find a No-Loss Solution

In August of 2018 Town Council voted unanimously on the following motion:

That staff be directed to complete additional consultation on the Lakeshore Road West Improvements (Mississauga Street to Dorval Drive) Class Environmental Assessment and report back to Council in early 2019 with recommendations that include:

  • at least one option reflecting no continuous centre lane, no loss of trees and no expropriation of property, while maintaining cycle lanes and reflecting sidewalks/multiuse paths on at least one side and minimizing impervious surfaces.
At the July 6, 2021 Special Meeting of Council, when staff presented its Preferred Option for Lakeshore Road West staff's presentation included the announcement it could not meet that condition. It attributed it to the need to address safety issues.

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FACT: On Lakeshore Road EAST, Staff Met Directly With Residents and Councillors.

They planned the path together. Note the differences!
The path is 2m wide
Two trees were removed due to failing health.
An arborist would be on site during work.
The path would move to the north side in some areas due to the fact there were hydro poles that would need to be moved and trees that would be damaged/cut down. Cost and appearance were both factors in making this decision.
Staff offered that not all areas along Lakeshore would get a path due to sidewalk by-laws, space restrictions and the fact that tearing up what existed to replace it with a thin strip of asphalt would not be a good use of taxpayers' money.

Why have residents of Lakeshore Road WEST not been granted the same discussions and considerations?

The solutions used on Lakeshore Road East directly mirror what residents in the West have been saying for years.

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In July 2021, staff disclosed the following: The removal of the continuous centre left turn lane meant the Class Environmental Assessment process was no longer a requirement, but continued with the EA process since it provided a forum for extensive public consultation.

Staff had never notified residents or Council of this fact. The Town of Oakville had continued to refer to the Lakeshore Road West project as an CLASS EA project in all its communications, written materials and in directions to residents when outlining continued necessary steps to be undertaken in the process. As well, it continued to engage the consultant hired for the EA process and provide staff with more funds was requested in annual budgets under the umbrella of "additional activities that would be carried out under the EA process.

Timeline of the Project 2018 - Present

This section provides information, details and images related to the entire Lakeshore Road West reconstruction project from its beginning.

Click on the bars below to view details on each time segment. The last bar provides an overview of the current 2022 Request For Proposal document issued by the Town in late summer as well as other facts or details we feel are pertinent.
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  • 2018
  • 2019 - 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022 - The RFP

Let's preserve our heritage and use innovation to achieve it.

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We Can Deliver Active Transportation With What Exists

The sidewalks are in good condition and are set well back from the road, offering pedestrians a safe, scenic place to walk and enjoy the surroundings.
The existing paved path on the north side can be extended in some places. Both meet AODA standards and the path is identified on Town maps as being part of the Waterfront Trail.

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Recognize Climate Change

  • We must assess the entire project through a Climate Emergency Screening Tool. Cutting down trees for the sake of an asphalt path is not acceptable. Adding more grey stormwater infrastructure is short-sighted.
  • The urban profile of Lakeshore Road West allows rainwater to be absorbed by soil, trees, shrubs and roadside ditches. Creating curbs, catch basins and additional grey infrastructure results in an increase of dirty stormwater runoff being directed into pipes faster, thus increasing runoff and the pollution that enters Lake Ontario. We have a choice! We don't have to take this approach.

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A Bespoke Solution

  • We have continually asked for the use of context sensitive design in creating the renewal of Lakeshore Road West.
  • We need to work within the historic context of the road with its mature trees, quaint rural feel and natural drainage features.
  • Lakeshore Road is a Scenic Corridor. Let's respect its significance.

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Work With What We Have and Enhance It.

  • As this photo demonstrated, the road in its current geography can accommodate bike lanes without disturbing trees.
  • Plentiful opportunities exist to enhance our natural green assets for stormwater controls and combine them with innovative advances in hybrid green/blue infrastructure solutions.
  • Today's leading municipalities are using green and blue stormwater control methods. We have open ditches, remnant channels and streams we can restore and use in conjunction with new, hybrid stormwater infrastructure.

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We Can Deliver Active Transportation With What Exists

The sidewalks are in good condition and are set well back from the road, offering pedestrians a safe, scenic place to walk and enjoy the surroundings.
The existing paved path on the north side can be extended in some places. Both meet AODA standards and the path is identified on Town maps as being part of the Waterfront Trail.

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Recognize Climate Change

  • We must assess the entire project through a Climate Emergency Screening Tool. Cutting down trees for the sake of an asphalt path is not acceptable. Adding more grey stormwater infrastructure is short-sighted.
  • The urban profile of Lakeshore Road West allows rainwater to be absorbed by soil, trees, shrubs and roadside ditches. Creating curbs, catch basins and additional grey infrastructure results in an increase of dirty stormwater runoff being directed into pipes faster, thus increasing runoff and the pollution that enters Lake Ontario. We have a choice! We don't have to take this approach.

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A Bespoke Solution

  • We have continually asked for the use of context sensitive design in creating the renewal of Lakeshore Road West.
  • We need to work within the historic context of the road with its mature trees, quaint rural feel and natural drainage features.
  • Lakeshore Road is a Scenic Corridor. Let's respect its significance.

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Work With What We Have and Enhance It.

  • As this photo demonstrated, the road in its current geography can accommodate bike lanes without disturbing trees.
  • Plentiful opportunities exist to enhance our natural green assets for stormwater controls and combine them with innovative advances in hybrid green/blue infrastructure solutions.
  • Today's leading municipalities are using green and blue stormwater control methods. We have open ditches, remnant channels and streams we can restore and use in conjunction with new, hybrid stormwater infrastructure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the most commonly asked questions regarding the Lakeshore Road West project. Just click on a question and the answer will unfold below. If you don't find an answer to your question, Contact Us.
  • What Is the Position of Coronation Park RA?
  • How Would the Town's Proposed Multi-Use Path Look?
  • Could We Save the Trees Using the Proposed 3m Path?
  • What Is Green Infrastructure?
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Come Walk With Us

In total, some 96 trees will be removed from Lakeshore Road if the 2021 proposal were to be implemented - many of them like the old growth trees we've included in the Walk With Us series below. These are winter shots, showing the height and expanse of these trees even without their summer beauty.

Come with us as we walk along a small portion of the route and as you do, think of the destruction that would be caused if we lose these trees to an asphalt path and roads widened to accommodate curbs and gutters. It doesn't have to happen. There are green solutions for stormwater that don't require yesterday's concrete, gutters and grit separators.

Click on the images below to start each presentation.

Walk With Us - Solingate to Third Line

What will we lose from our landscape if the current 2021 proposal is implemented?

Part One takes us from Solingate to Third Line.

Total number of trees lost in this section is 37, starting with this beauty at the corner of Third Line and Lakeshore, and each of the trees on the remaining 3 corners of the intersection.

Every one of these images features a tree or trees that will be cut down. In the words of Karen Brock, Oakvillegreen President … 19 very large trees in a row, south side of Lakeshore, starting at Third Line, heading west - all slated for removal.

Mostly silver maples, one measuring 107cm diameter!! Some have had to compete with the hydro wires, but still have a canopy that will be missed!

The hard work and generosity of Oakvillegreen Conservation Association allows us to share these images. Our sincere thanks to Karen Brock, President for locating the trees and providing these images.

Walk With Us - Third Line to Woodhaven

Between Third Line and Woodhaven, another 20 trees will be taken.

Once again, these include large, old growth trees that help create the canopy over Lakeshore.

You'll also see a line of trees - newly planted by the Town just a few years ago - that are also marked for removal!

Walk With Us - Woodhaven to Wolfdale

Nine majestic trees disappear on this stretch of road. Here's a sampling of what will be lost.
See the timeline below for more detailed information on these milestones and links to associated documents and communications.
November 2016 - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study Lakeshore Road West Improvements (Mississaga Road to Dorval Drive) is announced.
November 2016
November 2017 - Public Information Centre Meeting - to provide residents with the preliminary preferred alternative for Lakeshore Road West improvements and to gather public input.
November 2017
Coronation Park Residents Association (CPRA) responds to the preliminary preferred alternative with objections to a proposed roundabout, the degree of urbanization and fiscal responsibility. READ THE LETTER
December 2017
On May 17, 2018 CPRA receives word a staff presentation will be made to Council's Community Services Committee on May 22 recommending adoption of the preliminary plan that includes a continuous 3rd lane for turns, the loss of 300 trees, the expropriation of property, etc.

We had never received a response to the letter we filed with the team in December 2017.
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May 17, 2018
CPRA delegates at the Community Services Committee and provides a presentation that outlines:
Lakeshore Road in its present 2-lane configuration can function at an acceptable service level to 2031 and beyond, traffic forecasts show levels dropping in future, not increasing and safety records indicate 54% of the collisions occurring are in the Village of Bronte, not on the remainder of the corridor. The plan in its present form cannot be supported. It will destroy the character of Lakeshore Road West.
May 22, 2018
Councillor Cathy Duddeck, seconded by Councillor Allan Elgar, moves a motion to have staff consult with the community regarding the implications of tree preservation, property expropriation, daylight triangles and the selected locations for a centre turn lane and report back in September 2018. Kudos to Councillors Duddeck and Elgar! The motion was unanimously supported.
May 22, 2018
Councillor Duddeck mailed personalized letters to every resident along Lakeshore Road West with land marked for expropriation to alert them to the need to learn more about the proposed project.
June 2018
The Ward 2 newsletter outlines the project. Announcement is made a new Public Information Meeting (PIM) will be held at Sir John Colborne Centre to allow residents to voice their concerns.
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July 2018
Over 50 residents attended the PIM to register their opposition to the preliminary plan. They voiced rejection of the proposed 3rd lane, identified the destruction of trees and expropriation of property as being totally unacceptable and underscored the importance of maintaining and preserving Lakeshore Road as a cultural heritage icon of Oakville.
July 25, 2018
Days before the holiday weekend, we found an entry on the Planning & Development Council Agenda for August 7 indicating staff would provide an update on the July 25 meeting. Upon reading the staff report, we felt it was necessary to clearly state the community's concerns.
Read the Staff Report. See a copy of our presentation to Council.
August 7, 2018
At a meeting of Oakville's Planning and Development Council, a unanimous vote by Council supported the following motion:
  • That staff be directed to complete additional consultation on the Lakeshore Road West Improvements (Mississauga Street to Dorval Drive) Class Environmental Assessment and report back to Council in early 2019 with recommendations that include at least one option reflecting no continuous centre lane, no loss of trees and no expropriation of property, while maintaining cycle lanes and reflecting sidewalks/multiuse paths on at least one side and minimizing impervious surfaces.

August 8th 2018
At the August 6, 2019, Planning and Development Council meeting, the Lakeshore Road West Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Update staff report, recommended that staff be directed to undertake a Scenic Corridors Study.
August 6th 2019
CPRA provided input to the Scenic Corridor study. In part, our comments included the following:
Lakeshore Road’s character is not determined by one single factor, such as mature trees. It is a composite that includes structure, topography, vegetation and overall visual character of the road right-of-way and immediate abutting lands. This character includes ragged road edges, mixtures of bushes and trees, a roadway that meanders slightly, old bridges, creeks, open ditches, etc. While this is considered an urban road, it possesses many rural attributes that are an integral part of its character.

What We Desire:

• to conserve and protect the road’s special character, biodiversity and native habitats, cultural heritage resources, recreational opportunities and sense of place.
• to recognize and protect the specific history and visual or natural character of the road and its roadside features.
• to ensure that changes are limited to only those that are absolutely necessary and when undertaken, those changes respect context sensitive design.

Read the full submission here.
January 2020
In March 2020, staff presented a report on the Scenic Corridor study. It included an additional policy for Livable Oakville plan to reflect : Policy 5.3.10: “The scenic character of Lakeshore Road should be conserved.”

See the entire staff report here
March 2020
After almost a year of inactivity and no communication to residents from the project consultants or Town staff, we were advised there would be an updated "preferred alternative" design submitted by the consultant which was followed weeks later by an invitation to an online telephone conference to receive the information. Details of the proposal can be found in the detailed Timeline section above.

Along with other residents, CPRA delegated in an online Council session in July 2021 to oppose the "Preferred Alternative" design. The information included the fact that when the Class Environmental Assessment was released on-line, residents were able to provide comments on the proposal. There were 194 responses. More than 50% specifically opposed the plan and removal of trees, whilst only 18% supported it.

It was at this meeting that staff announced it could not meet the 2018 Motion from Council to present an option that would represent no loss of trees, AND it announced the fact that the EA process has been unnecessary after the centre lane was removed from the plan …. AND YET, it continued to engage and pay the consultant for the past three years!

Yet another motion from Council came forth as detailed in the Timeline section above.

All fell quiet until 15 months later…

January & July 2021
In August 2022, we became aware of an RFP issued by Town of Oakville staff to retain an engineering consultant to undertake 'Design and Contract Administration for the Lakeshore Road West Reconstruction".

For the period of some 15 months between Council's July 21 Motion and the time of issuing the RFP, no contact, conversations or meetings were undertaken with residents.

Stay tuned for updates.
August, 2022